Building future cadres is a national responsibility
The Institute of Banking Studies (IBS) was established as a not-for-profit organization by an Amiri Decree in 1970, and it was conferred with the status of a Specialized Institute under the name of “Institute of Banking Studies” (IBS) by an amendment of the Amiri Decree in 1982.
The Institute of Banking Studies (IBS) has served as a bridge for knowledge and modern technologies into the banking sector, and has always been a catalyst and driving force for the development of this vital sector.
The IBS functions under the auspices of the Central Bank of Kuwait. Pursuant to the Amiri Decree of foundation, the IBS can offer education services, training and English language programs and research to serve the developmental needs of the Kuwaiti banking and finance sector.
The institute conducts courses on an ongoing basis for those wishing to develop their skills in the field of banking, and it has also diversified its product offerings to include professional certification programs, executive development programs, training and development courses in ten major areas, assessment and testing, English language training, e-learning, library and business and finance research publications.
The IBS has also succeeded in developing an expanding network of distinctive international and regional faculty who combine high academic qualifications and industry expertise. It has established long-term global alliances with prestigious professional organizations, such as the International Chamber of Commerce in France, and the British Legal Marketing Institute. The IBS is an accredited partner of the London Institute of Banking and Finance (LIBF).
The IBS has worked with highly selective elite academic organizations to offer their programs in the State of Kuwait, such as the Harvard Business School in the United States of America, the London School of Economics, and the INSEAD Business School.